
Showing posts from June, 2012

FRIENDSHIP - What kind of a Friend are You?

Fellas, I'm gonna share something that would probably make you realized what kind of a friend you are and what kind of a friend do you want in a part of your whole life. This was taken from the Book of  Hope Series, as I was reading this book, I was so inspired even though I didn't understand some parts of this book, but then again, it was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience to read to.... The article that follow is the 2nd part of my last article, and this time around, it isn't about love, but it's friendship... For you to understand at least something, it can help you I guess so..:) Smile!!!  F RIENDSHIP . What is a friend? There are acquaintance, casual friends, close friends and intimate friends. We all have acquaintances , faces we recognize and people we greet by name. Casual friendships happen through continued contact. Close friendships are developed through sharing of interests and spending time together in certain activities. But intimate f...

The Top 10 Ways To Know if It's Love

10. Does not say "Me First!" 9. Believes the best about others. 8. Does not "keep score" of the bad things others do. 7. Does not tear down others. 6. Is not conceited. 5. Is patient with others. 4. Is not happy when someone gets hurt. 3. Helps out others, even if it's inconvenient. 2. Celebrates the successes of others. 1. Never quits. LOVE.  According to psychologists, the most  basic human need is to love and be loved. There is no power greater than love. It can motivate people to do thins for others they wouldn't normally do. But if love is such a beautiful thing, so essential to life, why is there so little of it in the world? The answer is simple. True love is more than a sentimental, gushy feeling. Love is a decision, a choice we each must make. The greatest demonstration of love is to give our life for the person we love. God did that. even before we were born, He demonstrated His great love for us when He gave His Only S...