Christmas is ALWAYS in the air. -A Short article
"Christmas is in the air..." A common phrase that we can always hear in the middle of the months from September to December. Indeed it is very exciting, knowing that we are actually anticipating this season every year. We see faces that are wearing smiles, excitements and greeting one another as a sign of being friendly and loving for this season. And actually, this is also the time where every people are having peace of minds and a peaceful life to live with; no wars, no crimes, no troubles and any other issues and problems that we commonly encountered each day. Normally, we start sharing and giving some commodities, but what is the most important is we start to forgive those people who have been an enemy for ones in a while. And i guess, that is the most important among all symbols. We may think we only do this on Christmas time but apparently, it's our willingness because of Jesus and for now other reasons. LOVE- there are many words to describe it, we ...