I'm Gonna Marry Your Daughter...


I know how you feel, it's maybe the best thing of your life indeed. Happy and such no one can explain how the way it feels like. It's the very first time yet an endless happiness maybe. "I'll be marrying my girl..."

You never thought of these things, you didn't expected that it would come up to this point either.
I never knew, this could be your happiest moment in life.

However, there seems to be something bothering in your mind. I knew it, this is where you think that, yes, you'll be the happiest girl of all, but on the other hand, you will lost everything that was yours in the very first place.

Well, let me say it little by little...
Your Mommy, isn't it hard for you to think good, specially when things happen hard to understand, your Mom was there maybe not all the time, but by the major times, she was with you, with your dreams, and yeah, she was indeed your adviser about how to choose a good guy for you, asking her tips and encouragements of how to be better woman for your partner, of course, as all we know, Moms knows what best for their daughter and children..
Oh, but how about your Dad, you can't help it, you'll go somewhere together with your guy, in the first place, your guy asked your Dad to marry you. I know that it was really hard for your Dad to answer and say yes about it. But it was about your happiness, and as a good Dad, he always wants happiness for their children. As he sees, all of you was happier than ever after that guy proposed a wedding.
This time around, your sisters, brothers and friends, its not like before, that you could even have a time for laughter, bonding with your friends and even crazy things you used to. Now, it's all about you who will be a "Misis" and will be a loving wife to your husband, a woman in love to a guy with all the perfect as usual. And sometimes, you can't help it, all the things you used to, those things you used to, you have to leave it, but their memories will be staying at  your heart. It is really true, you have to move forward and live a new life, something is ending but for real, your life starts and you start to live the reality.

However, getting married is about being prepared. Of course, I bet you are. I mean, everything were perfect. You decided to marry him, and on this, there are things that ever come, and sometimes, before you get into happy things, you'll be walking through thorns and spikes that would test your faith and decisions.

You must be the happiest woman after his proposal, you think of perfect things are happening in your life.

But this is only what can I say, we all know first and foremost how hard to decide, of choosing things as we used to be confused of things to choose, it is really hard. Each choice have their own consequences, but God gave us options and chances for us to choose the best, but sometimes, we chose to be like what we don't want for us to happen. Life sometimes leads us to things that God doesn't want us to be in, but after all, it was our choice to destined by a situation.

And WEDDING, I would not ask you of how old you are that you'll be doing this. But one thing I would rather advice to say, how are you prepared to live in this?, how are you prepared to be a wife?, how are you prepared in a marriage life of taking care of babies, be a good mother and of course to be a good our wife to your husband. Everything is changing now, you're not what you are yesterday.

And importantly, marriage is not like a "bahay-bahayan", it is maybe something like you regret you have married this guy but you can't turn back the time. That's why there organizations that conducts seminars for those who will be getting married, for us to have an ideas and more learning about this heck. Marriage is one of the most holy things ever, it's all about a promise to God.

And that's it, your preparedness really count, it's not that being older enough, or having an experiences in life you to be prepared, but it's about all of your aspects as person, as long as you were aware of things and your were mentally ready. It is also a challenge in your life, a big challenge ever, so take your time to pass through of this.

And lastly what?, don't make your worries, cares and problems as the center of your marriage life, what? it's GOD indeed, those problems are your best enemies for you to be strong and be the reasons why you can't forget of God. Made Him as the center of your relationship and marriage, it might not perfect, but it is mostly perfect, you're on fire burning with the Lord. Just don't forget to always pray and ask for an assistance. It counts!!!

Well, how are prepared? Good Luck and best wishes...:)


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