The "Time" of Our Lives

One simple thing that is hard to fulfill, hard to have and to be with our mindsets.
The Time; its is gold, as gold as we can ever dreamed to, something that helps us adjust everything we're in to. Our excuse to forget things and forgive people who have done mistakes and trespasses. Our reason to love and to be loved, every single moment.

Basically, it's one of the most important thing on earth for us and to everyone of us, it's practically because from it, we learn to reflect, to realized and to learn anything from what we are seeing. And practically because of "time", we can do things slowly but surely, and perfectly.

But this time around, I would like to share something..

Our life is an assignment, which we are not obliged to answer but we are asked to follow instructions. Our life is a test where our Teacher is the best Teacher of all, that if we have to failed to answer or do His tasks, He will still give us the answer after all. Among God's tasks, He did ask for something, and for me, it is considered as one of the most important as we follow His plans and commandments. 

It's TIME.

There are many reasons why Time is important for us to live and to enjoy our lives.

First thing, basically, we need time for our own self. As human as we are, we used to enjoy life by spending it from our own pleasure and wants. Our self is the first beneficiary to what are doing from spending our available times.

Secondly, we must give time for our friends, those people that probably one of the reasons that made us a better one and righteous. The people that we cordially give and shared our happy and unforgettable moments and with them, they also completes us being a person. We will not know when will be the next time for your meetings.

Thirdly, we must give time for our family. Its both you and them are classmates time after time, since from your first born and until the time come you are what you are today. Of course basically, we must realized to give them their efforts, their loves, and worth as our parents who indeed spend their precious time when the time that you were a small kid. As a return, spend you available time with them, because we doesn't know when will be the last time you can be together.

Finally, time for God. Give Him Praise and Worships.
Every moment in your life is evaluated by Him, He can see you always, see whatever things your are doing. Constantly, we must and not forgotten to give Him our time, time for communicating, reading His Words and Prayers. God knows how busy we are, but imagine that every day of the week, He just asked only ONE DAY. Rest assured that God only waits for us. Same as our loved ones, they are only waiting us, our availability and our communications with them.

I tell you, no one ever know when will be the last test that God has prepared to us. It is "every now and then" He will be announcing your score and your evaluation. So take your time from spending it to yourself, your family and friends and God. Make the most out it.

Now, the "time" is not just described as 'Gold' but I  considered it as our "air"...

As important as an 'air', we need it to live happy.

The time always runs, so spend it wisely. By walking in Faith and by walking with God.


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