Not Getting Any Younger

For the past 20 years, it's still very fresh and funny to recall all of my experiences. 

Maybe the most unforgettable experience was my childhood. Yes, no matter how old am I today, when it comes to remembering my childhood, it seem to me a very happy life and so blessed with my relatives, when I know that all that was a very natural, you know, playing games and different kinds of stuffs that would make us feel happy at the end of the day, and just by living natural this thing made me realized that every day of my life was accountable, and by enjoying it, I can say that I was contented with what we have everyday, that by those simple things that we see around, we make fun of it..

Simple things, it was just like a little playground, that through these, I make the most out of it. I make fun, I make friends and I make myself happy. Simple things are those natural things that when you see them, you think it doesn't make sense, but when you try to thing about whats with that, it may be the reason why you tell yourself that that life have made you lighter and beautiful.

My childhood, I considered it as a one of a kind story. It was nothing, but a real happy life. A kind of story that never ends, and meanwhile, it doesn't have any actions to follow from your directors, and most specially, you don't have to worry with what you are doing to show them the real you. Child, don't you ever think that being a child is a nonsense stuff, for me, it will be my starting point when everything is going to be bold and older. It's just a matter of being what you are when you first know how to speak and walk. And from that point, we must recognize what and who was behind us by fulfilling and accomplishing the things we ever wanted.

A Child never gets bored at all, they never stop thinking, they never stop doing things that they think they can do it somehow, and actually, they never criticized the things that they always see, for them it is touchable, it is never harmful and dangerous, and more than that, they think that things are all seen because they'll be learning from it.

According to the saying, "Things only happen once, and they never comeback!", i must agree, apparently, those things that never come back have left us many things to treasure. It doesn't matter if what was that all about, as long as they enable to catch our attention.

We live by nature, don't blame anyone or anything, about what you have and what you are in right at this point in time, we will never always be a child forever that parents used to teach us a lot of things. We are natural with our own way of living. 

The sense is, things happen for a reason, they maybe not our parents who have taught us these, but consider the fact that we're not getting any younger at all, we have our own state of mind, hat decides, choose and do.


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