Our Attitude is The Beginning for Every Change

Most of the Filipinos (US/TAYO/KITA) are more in to complain first without trying to follow the instructions, rules and the policies being implemented. This is NOT RARE, this is rampant, this is the reality, this the Filipinos' most attitudes are. We tend to give our great burden to the Leader and Heads of the Republic of the Country, those hates and condemnation without filtering some of the other sides about what really the real score is and why a situation is happening in our Country. Furthermore, we also have been giving some sympathies to those who are underemployed, unemployed and and those who work a kind of job that considered to be in the lowest level, and then we try to question the Leaders and all...

So, what's the point? Are these hatreds to our Leaders that we currently feel are acceptable and are appropriate just to let them know that we, Filipinos are suffering from these and that? Are we really aware about who must be the one blame first before anything else? You know, given the fact that we are the constituents of the Country, we are the Government so to speak, and so, I think it should begin from oneself, to build a question and start making solutions from within.

It's so sad and so disappointing when we realize to see street sweepers cleaning and sweeping the streets due to the trashes that we always throw just because we don't see trashcans and garbage bins.

Here's the very logical way to explain it: "We cannot change the World/Country unless we already have changed our attitudes..." Before you change the world, change the Philippines first. Before changing the Philippines, change your City. Before you can change that City, change your Municipality. But you have to change your Barangay so that you can change that Municipality. And, before you change that Barangay, you would have to change your Community, but before that, change your Family. And to enable you change your family, you must really have to CHANGE YOURSELF FIRST before you'll start changing all of them.
The current situation of our Country is not only because of the current Leaders that we have today. As we don't notice in some point, we have chosen them. But our mentality? Well, we have registered to vote, and we have the right to complain. But wait, let's go back again to an idea where, "it all started from us..."

Another logical thing:
A Fruit will produce a good fruit in the future when the root was with in good hands of taking good care... Consider the root as 'US' or the Filipinos. And that's it!

Meanwhile, here in Davao City, Duterte have these TWO rules for his constituents; Follow the Rule, Leave if you can't before you messed up your life.

I will always be proud of being a Filipino-Dabawenyo Citizen because, Davao is one of the most leading City in the world, when it comes to Economic Growth, cost of living (at some point), Less Crimes and name it all. BUT, How and Why everything of these become successful? Is that because of the City's Leader? Is that because of the City Mayor? Well, I believe that it's NOT at all... 

The continuing success of the City Mayor's goals for his City is not just because of him only, but is also because of the Dabawenyos living in the City who are all willing to follow the stated Standard Order Procedure. Because most of us are willing to follow the Wearing of Helmets while riding a motorcycle, not smoking in public places, not loitering, submissive to all authorities who will check our bags before entering to some establishments and let them frisk us, the liquor ban at 1am down to 8am, no singing out with the videoke/token from 10pm down to 8am, traffic rules, plant trees and everything...

This is what we called ATTITUDE from oneself, a beginning for every change in the future.

Before we complain, start from trying and see the results. And then, change what do you have to change...


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