Work Smarter, rather than Working Harder!

Hard working people are those who are working with enthusiasm and full of expectations by themselves too finish their jobs in a day, in exchange of rewards or a compensation. Most of the time, we never get the difference between "working hard" and "working wise". Never that we know, being under the yoke of serving our Bosses beyond the limits can affect our psychological stats.

Being wise in the job that we do or let's say, in a company, it's about implementing the desire to collaborate with your co-employees, most specially, with your Boss. Remember that the most important thing to do when it comes to sustaining our good relationship with them, is our time and that we can able to communicate with them so that we can build their trust unto us.

As an employee, I have realized that being in a world consciousness and doubtfulness, I was able to handle my integrity for 5 years now, but I never did something for them to give me a negative exchange, instead, I have gained a lot of respect and motivational rewards. As the venture continues, I worked harder to get what I want, the promotion. Ironically, there was this thought that keeps on telling me to change my career objectives, it was, at least, no matter how hard I do my job, if it has no tools of passion and love or creative ideas, then everything cannot be possible. And then I also realize that working harder is not good enough, it's not that working with sweats or working overtime, the tasks that were being given in a day is just one way for me to achieve my day-to-day goal, for me to give justice on my job description, but what actually the real score is working beyond the quantity of your job, using your mind and your colorful ideas, of how will you explore the world of success. I tried to get to know all the things I  never knew, looked for challenges and  new complicated things but resolve it into the simplest way I can. Those are everything that keeps a person motivated and productive, when they feel being trusted without sacrificing its limitations and boundaries.

What's in it for me? Goals to achieve, to accomplish and to receive. Remember also that, as we keep on looking forward for new tasks and challenges, apart of it is hardships, envy, cowards, doubts and even worries that will make you stop from doing beyond. But in order for us to create an organization and become more effective from our duties and responsibilities in our career, we have to be smart, we have to work smarter. It's by giving ourselves a chance to discover new possible ways of challenges and try working it out.

Our generation speaks how we act on it. We can always choose and select the best option. The reality in this world is not about attaining rewards or any form of  acknowledgements and recognition, it's about how we are being paid according to our job achievements and finished complicated tasks that were being given, in addition, how we can sustain and maintain the productivity of our performances, beyond its own limitation.

 According to Mr. Paul Bulcke (Nestle, CEO), no one is perfect, nobody can be a perfect employee that he can able to do his  task 100%, and so, what would be the best thing to do is by maintaining its efficiency, and in order for us to sustain our success in the new reality, we must continuously find many simple ways to make our organization and how we work much more effective. Our future success is not about working harder, it's about working smarter..."

Believe that you can!


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