Taking Away your Bitterness. "MOVE-ON din kung may time!"

Maybe you're thinking about how will be this post can give you an assurance of proper closure of your agony, your feelings and most of all, your bitterness.

Moving on is never an easy thing that goes around instantly, it is not like the other way around, but it's absolutely a serious process for you to be serious about. Maybe you are thinking what remedy can you give for your own self, to help you step out and leave the scars, perhaps for a short period of time.
Before you start reading the plot of this post, try to change your mood from being anxious, problematic, traumatized (perhaps), or even like, change your mood into cool yet empty from pessimism. Open your mind and heart, I would say, that the more you become cool, the more will life can offer you pieces of success when it comes to gaining of alternatives and better options for life after tragedies, breakups, devastations and so on.

According to my own understanding, our feelings have two divisions, the feelings of positivity and negativity. We call it optimism when we are in the moment of happiness, courage, laughter, success and all the positive situations we could ever have in life. However, everything that goes around comes around, whenever we experience optimism, there will always be a denominator, there will always be these negative things that will try to pull us down, we call it pessimism, this is a feeling of being despair, lonely, hopeless and with no direction, probably hanging by a moment. This is the irony of life.

Everyone of you, including me, are all human kind, hahaha. Yes, as human we are, we often encounter momentum of breaking. I mysef is not innocent of being so hurt of how the people whom I used to loved just broke me into pieces. And I believe, that every drop of trusts that we had rendered towards them, will never be that important for them at the end of the day, once we created something they don't want. We suffer for it for a very long time, because we loved them. We become aloof and bitter. We can be out of our natural condition. We can't get out and move forward. The bitterness continues until we already forgot how to drop off every negative thoughts we had.

Bitterness is such a traitor feeling. It comes instantly but would take a very long time to leave us way. Where does this bitterness came from? Well, apparently, I can justify , that it is from our own minds. And what does the cause? Simple, because we don't know what is really the cause and the nature of this. We didn't even know the main casts involved in this matter. This can actually kill us slowly, emotionally.

Getting out from pessimism:
You need to know tha nature of your agony. Do not prolong it, as they say.

There are many things to consider on how to get rid with our bitterness. And let me share to you some of my remedies..

1. Recognize. You have to know who is/are the person/people involved in your hidden bitterness. But the main cast is you. It's you and then, them. Try to figure out why did you feel bad about them. Evaluate the errors and the mistakes, but the most important among all is that you must never forget laughter and those moments they have given you colors of life.

2. Forgive. Some people used to misinterpret this word. Probably you are. How deep is your understanding about forgiveness? Let me tell you. Forgiveness is not a  burden actually, it is a help for your own sake. You must not forget, after you recognized the errors of the people involved of your bitterness, forgive them. Forgive not because they need forgiveness but because YOU DESERVE PEACE. You deserve calm, happiness and joy. Take note, it's not them, it's you who is the main cast and will be receiving a reward one day.

3. Accept. When it is said and done, accept it. Nothing will hhappen. Allow yourself to accept their mistakes. You know, people are just very conscious with their pride and ego, it's untouchable, but whenever we encounter bitterness, you have accept it whether or not they will ask forgiveness. If you see them very happy, then be happy for them. Let them do whatever they want.

4. Move on. This is the most complex and crucial step in the process of moving forward and taking away your bitterness. This DO NOT pertains to, blocking them on your fb, erasing their phone numbers on your mobile, or just forget them over your dead body, for real!? I really don't think it's effective. Remember that the "memories are forever" until the last breath you take,, (except when you have and Alzheimer's disease or an Amnesia ). We cannot make it in an instant to forget everything. The real score about moving on is about giving your feelings a chance to stop over the unnecessary, it's about finding out the thing that will make you genuinely happy, it's actually about opening your mind and heart to allow more positive things to come in. You'll have to let go and bury all the bad experiences you had from those people. Slowly forget the pain and enjoy the peace of your mind that just came after you were able to forgave. Move on, stay focus and mind your own business.

5. Ask God for help. I told you, nothing will happen. Think about life without God is dead. So, you have to ask for help. God moves in the most mysterious way He can. He will even use people, He will use your friends, your family as well. You cannot do it on your own. That is why a saying, "no man is an island" is best for people who are the process of moving on and stuck in bitterness. But basically, the Lord will be the your first guide, to give you wisdom and courage, for you to become happy.

Who would never wanted to be free from bitterness? Those pessimistic people, perhaps. But of course, I believe that you wouldn't want to live unhappy forever. In order for you have freedom in your heart, do not allow the marrow of negativity nail you down from a hard wooden feelings.

Never use your bad feelings to influence your from overthinking it may cause you to build bad ideas to revenge and do things to harm them.

You just have to also remember these:
enjoy the gift of life, live life to the fullest, love, laugh. You were born because you have a purpose, and do not waste your time from getting angry and hurt. The pain that you feel is not because of the people who hurt you, it's just you who allowed it to control your feelings and mind and you keep on thinking about it over and over again. Stop it and give yourself sympathy.

There are many pthings that you need to do and they are all waiting for your response.

Keep smiling. Cheers for humanity!


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