Perception vs Faith

Our perceptions are always true to us.  We believe that as we keep on thinking how it is to be,  we feel that things are all possible.

As we dream,  we get used to believe that it will all come, we believe this it is being given,  and we believe that we need to work for it to achieve it. A life without perceptions is a kind of life that is empty,  meaningless and most probably, a life with no direction. What is it,  by the way?  Are we going to say perceptions are our faith? Just come to think about it,  faith is different from anything else,  and absolutely faith is far different from perception.

Our life on earth has always been full of deceptions.  Human as we are,  the personality that we have is a storm-driven. Meaning to say,  storm represents our catastrophe,  our problems,  our dilemmas.  We used to think about how we can survive when everything were all gone, we are confused on how we get finish we have just started.  What if,  in the middle of the night,  our beliefs will vanish?  Can we still go on?  Of course,  yes,  but how?  Simple, we,  people are all positive in terms oinf getting the things we wanted,  in thus world, we live because we know we want to do that.  We live with our plans, our goals,  our perceptions and everything in this world.

In the Bible,  perceptions are not reality.  I wonder how.  But Jesus said,  do not be confused,  do not be drawn away from your destination,  when you started to reach your future,  never ever depend of your material resources,  forget about how will you through,  forget about your rides and everything that you want to bring.  Instead,  believe that Jesus will carry you no matter what,  He will carry you regardless of you have nothing.  Instead of establishing your perceptions,  show everyone that these are garbages,  and you may forget everything,  like in a storm,  you will able to survive because you follow what is being said by God,  and not by what you've seen in this world.

You know,  there is nothing wrong from having our own perceptions,  but don't ever forget,  we must not depend with it.

Do not let your life become a storm-driven life,  instead,  be a destiny-driven person,  in which when you are on your way,  and almost there, don't lower your armor with God,  don't lower your faith with God. Stay focus on your future,  even if you you see any clear result,  just listen and follow God.

Our dreams are just nothing but dreams brought us by wind. If we are obeying God,  we can all sleep well despite of all odds and storms in a day. We can never be distracted by our perceptions because we believe God is our hope and He will bring us peace.


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