Achievement Unlocked!

One step ahead, and I am done with this. First semester has gone, finally!!

Don't even think that I'm bragging myself now just to write this and let everyone of you know. I believe, through publicity, a lot of people may be educated and be inspired about how a complex life becomes simple and attainable.

It's been three years, almost four years, and I am done with "work-school-life" balance. It's been so hard, so hard that you guys cannot imagine. But this time, I will be sharing what really motivates me to never stop doing this stressful situation which you might think I should've just be working now, start earning money, help and support my family. But hey, I think there is something that I really need to do, something that is an extra mile, I can do that, yes, but am I getting a great reward for doing that? Probably, yes, but there's no more greater things than what I am expecting from doing such. The thing is, my life can just be like a playlist, which happens to keep on repeating after done playing, and it would never give the best in me, I know. So, as far as I am concern, if I am able to work eight hours a day or over and can sleep four to three hours a day, and do it over my entire life, I might die without leaving memorable and significant things that people may remember about me, and then I realized, I need to do something, something that's not covered within my comfort zone. I need to allow changes and welcome opportunities. I know it's the only way to move out, it's the only way to establish happiness and success at the end of the day.

Lack of finances or else no one, not even my family has the ability to give financial support for me to go to college. So I need to have a work after finishing my secondary School, basically because in the first place I have to give them financial support as well. Years have past, I never stop believing about going to college. And God really has been there for me at all times.

Being a good employee and always motivated to do a good job has always been my definition to be a good team player in the job I'm in. I got a stable job, and this time, God brought me into the answer from my question, as to "when will be the perfect time to go to college?". Everything was set perfectly, it was not me, but it's God.

I started to think about being a student solely, I started to let the feeling to be a good student, I mean, after how many years from out of school youth, I missed everything about School. But I know, this time around, it's different from normal. I am studying not just to be a student, but this is for everything, from the frozen goals I've had, I will be making it melting and start forming it to another phase of process.

It's been awhile, it's been so hard to be in this kind of life that even my own family doesn't have the full support, morally and financially, but I am always taught by God to not hate them just because they can't. Instead, God helped to to understand the reason why. I'm doing this, because I love them, and I want to show them how much I do, I want to show them that I am doing this not just for me, but because I've seen them suffering from poverty, and I know that I can do something about it.
Great things come with hard work and faithfulness. If you can ever compare the word "happy" from "joy", then you'll figure out what's my point.

I not done yet, and I will never be stopping everything I started. Should you say when would I stop? And I will answer you "only earthly death can stop achieving these plans". It isn't me alone, because I'm doing this with God. And this time around, I want you guys to remember one thing, and that is the difference between happiness and JOY.

"There will be no perfect life, even if you are rich enough to buy a lot of expensive things, the happiness that can only be established in this kind of life is temporary, you will never be satisfied and contented. Instead of following your happiness at all times, why not try following the joy that nothing can compare."

The kind of life I had before was nothing but a temporary dream. I worked and studied not because I want to be rich in the future primarily, but because I know this is the only way to get out from the kind of life I was born, and I want to make changes. It's hard, a lot of stresses, but you'll see, days and years are just passing by as quick as a blink of an eye, and you'll regret why you took things for granted.

#achievementunlocked @onestepahead #onelastcryone last cry


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