Proud of Being Poor?

"I am proud of being poor!" - we always hear this statement, implying that one is not ashamed of being poor.

This statement contains a strong message that may determine the value of being a proud individual who experiences poverty and the lack of material things that are supposedly available and visible inside a house - it delivers the message to never be ashamed of who you are and what you only have, instead be proud because you are alive and enjoying the gift of life. Powerful!

But, let me give my views on this.

If we are to reconsider our previous life, back when the time that everything seemed to be perfect for our wants and needs, back when the days we were thinking about those things that we had were enough for our physiological needs, we were contented. 

Furthermore, as time goes, as our age is numbered, the level of our needs and wants increase. We may still be earning the same amount of sources and income but we will look for something that is new, something that we see others have, and so become motivated, we will be driven by this principle of having such things by finding another resources, at least higher and greater resources to meet these stuffs and these wants that we are looking forward. This is not a wrong motive. I would always say that having this concept of mind will never define our wrong intentions in life, I mean, this is our lives anyway.

By that point, we begin to step into smaller platforms of achieving the plans being set after deciding to get the target. We may have set to renovate our house, firstly, or buy appliances, kitchen needs, a sofa, and many things that we want to have in our respective houses because we don't want live in poverty forever. Yes, that should've been our mindsets. But see? We settle for something that is less, something that we used to have, which is something that we really have to change.

Are we really proud of having a house that is not so presentable for our visitors? Are we really proud that we lack so much of material things inside our  house. If that is so, how do we welcome our visitors to have them experience the best aside from providing them hospitality? Are we really happy and proud to let them sit in a wooden chair or should I say to just let them sit on the floor?  I guess not at all because we may find of ourselves judged by them - this might not be subject to all but I should say, this will somehow embarrass us and our visitors. 

Let's come to think of it.

If we are able to remember the days we have wasted. From the time we started earning, what went well? Did we just care to contribute to our family to renovate the house? To buy appliances? Furnitures? These things may appear so ambitious but when we have started to socialize and mingling with others, we will realize that we are getting friends that eventually, some will become our intimate friends, and one day, we might invite them to come to our house, and before we do that, we should make sure that our is presentable and is ready to accommodate people. Call me whatever you want, but this is the reality. Some of us pretends to be so proud of being poor because they really are poor as they say. Yes, there's nothing wrong, but my question is, how long are you going to be proud of being poor? 

My point is, we can do something about it. God doesn't want us living and just be proud in poverty, not even to be poor. God is sharing His richness more than what we could imagine.

We may find ourselves living in a family who lacks material things in this world, but if we are driven with this principle of making change and turning poverty to a greener pasture, I believe that it is better than by just staying proud of being poor. 


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