Accidents Can Happen Even in Our House

One day, as I was on 
my way home, 
I noticed of such 
bothering situation, 
it really made me 
shocked when 
I saw 
that it was my ..............

What should I say?, it's true, accidents can happen anywhere, if you think that you are safe enough by just staying at home, a big no for that!

This is what I'm trying to say...

It's 6:30 in the morning when I was busy of preparing things for my vacation.
I got only minutes to accomplish my objections that time, although I was being aware of my house that there was a part there that if you're not careful enough, you will be totally pak!, 

So I begin to make my way fast, I finished to take a bath, prepare my foods, my money and anything that is needed. But behind all that, I forget to brush my teeth, so I went to my kitchen counter at the faucet to do it.
There is one knife that is such a very sharp knife, I didn't touched it but it was suddenly touched by my elbow. It drops like even me did not noticed it was dropped already to my toe. outch!!

It takes 2 minutes before I noticed that there was bleeds and continue bleeding at my feet, super like sooo red, until I felt the pain and just realized it was my toe that bleeds so radical ridiculously... So I called emergency line for rescue and while waiting for their actual response, I did first-aid just at least to stop my toe from bleeding deeply, but this time, I can't help it but cry and shout because it really hurt me so much... hooohh

I didn't do anything for what had happened, no one and even me don't want it of course!!

When I got to the hospital, finally I feel relief and the pain starts to stop.

Then I realized, before everything, I must be careful and of course must be a prayerful one, although we thought of God is planning everything perfect, but as we live here on earth, we still live by things that was not under control by God. It is called "accidents"... And accidents are not rare i think so, right in every place to stay is prone. It's not like what did you see on highways saying "ACCIDENT PRONE AREA", but it is where you are be able to get ready for everywhere you go, even if you are being confident enough that it is a safe place to stay like at the police station, but it could happen anywhere...

If you ask me how accidents happen?

For me, it can happen by such different ways, it is not planned, it is not wanted. Accidents for me are not rare, it could be a part from the life of ours as we live everyday. Accidents are not being intent, it could be actually the result by our deeds and by our goals of accomplishing things.

But accidents that can be stopped before anything, by avoiding the places you think it's unsafe and any place you want to go with. By avoiding you have that assurance to be safe at all, yet sometimes, it could be happening without your expectations.

But still there are ways to be safe to avoid accidents, by being watchful,  careful, responsible and prayers every waking up, walking out and before sleeping!! :))

You know what that time, it became my bad experience in such early morning....... yet it told me things and made me learn!! :)

So, accidents are not planned, not expected and not wanted, accidents are just things that can be happen by doing things we don't know what will happen next...


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