Go With The Flow of Life

I have decided to leave, to quit, surrender and start again to another page chapter of life.

I started to lived with it, though I really dreamed about it, I cried and I long for it... I spend all my efforts I can just for them to be pleased...

Before anything else, please bear with me when the moment comes that my tears would overflow, I just don't know how to stop this such an emotional thing to share.. :(

My life after 2 years has never been the happier than before, for the last last  year, I met God and knew Him coincidentally, since then, I have given my sense of having good objectives on my own life, as I have started to lived with it, I never assume for something good will be happening to me for tomorrow...

"GO WITH THE FLOW OF LIFE!" Taking and grabbing opportunities, that time, I never knew with myself that opportunities don't come, but actually they just wait on us to take them instantly by every moment in time that take...

I was being hired by a prestigious Company, a Company that produced branches in such different places in Mindanao, a Company that over years that until now is still standing and growing, a Company that provide the consumers convenient needs, specifically, the Davao Central Convenience Store, Inc.,

Well, first of all, I would like to know you that working in this Company was my first time job after 18, casually employed with formal and common 5 months contract, but fortunately became a regular imployee with one of their branch where I am assigned.

There, I have experienced everything, the commands without "pleases", even professionalism the Manager showed us that. Right then after 1 year of work, my abilities really enhanced, by accepting their rules and regulations and implementations, I followed all of there wants for their Business's good. at the same time, I gave no complaints with all of that... :)

It's been a while, and my face matured changed, but aside from physical, my mindset and own understanding the basic realities of life came over and gave me every lessons that probably for my own sake...

Like what I've said, a hard worker me became so strong, by my own dedications and loyalty. Indeed I almost gave my life.

Promoted after 2 years, it really a thing that me and my family would be proud of, something like a good news...

But after another promotion they have provided me, my life there became so challenging, a lot of things are new, things are changing, even other old employees made their resignations just to quit their experience and will be an another experience in the future. I lose hope upon hearing news that other are quitting because of different negative Memorandums issued to us...

Bitter! 3 years is almost here, I mean the situations are changing in a way I now don't understand, most specially when my batch also saying that they are gonna quit this job now, it's a complicated idea but this for good (as they say), right then I decided to think what's good or better "for my own sake"...

I think of those past 2 years of my job, it's been a long while, and now I'm almost on the top, but on the other hand, someone's trying to say that "you have to quit!" maybe it's on my affirmative side, indeed...

I did prayers to God, asked Him wisdom and positive thinking before I decide things... I have step out from my comfort zone, and that there's only one thing I realized "Go with the flow!..."

My life was really a unique life, it was really an honor for me to have all the things I din't even want to have, but as far as I am concerned, God want me to please Him by doing the right things. And by asking His permission, I have chosen to depart from that place, leave my job and start a new life career. One day, things will totally come by unexpected days and moment in our own life, and that day as unexpectedly happened, apparently, I considered it as a coincidence, it's just a sign that I have understood that "this is it!"...
Diary, I just want you to know that I am happy with my decision to make a resignation, no worries, that life is life, a kind of story that even death can't stop the climax, a kind of story that never assure us if it ends up a happy ever after or not...

This was just a part of my story, and like a  movie, another episode....

I am thankful that the Company I am working in within 2 years really made me a stronger laborer under pressured time schedules and the job itself, it's my job and should be "well done"....

And lastly, the people I have encountered from the Company reminded me that life is a temporary assignment, that if the Company issued a "Lay-off Paper", you have to start again if you pass!




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