Remember the movie “2012”? Isn’t it about the end of the world? Indeed, by the Mayans Calendar, it was specifically stated there that December 21, 2012 will be the time that the world will end or it was actually commonly called “Doomsday”.

But isn’t weird that I wrote this article after Christmas eve, well, specifically after December 21, 2012. Take a look at the date when this article posted. Hahaha

Weird, but actually, I was looking forward by that “doomsday” when Dec. 21 comes. Though there aren’t any reports about signs and wonders and clue that it is really happening by this date. J

Actually, I was being intrigue, after watching the movie “2012”, I can’t take away my mindset of thinking how real it is supposed to be. Basically, I learned from the movie that love conquers, after the expected date of ending, only few who have chosen to survive and continue to live, one family, that during that doom, they never break their faith and love to God; prayed, holding of hands for strengths and courage, and even trying to help other people whom they do not know or not related to them.

Consciously satisfied by the Director of that Movie, I was really amazed but on the other hand, can’t help thinking what was the Director’s think or having been thinking upon making that kind of Movie. It was a realistic movie of course by the voice of Mayans. J tsk.tsk

But anyway, I am here, I wrote this blog-post to inform you that there is still what we called the “EARTH”, it’s complete, absolutely whole that continue to rotate. Yet, last night, it was Christmas Eve, and it was 25th day of December, the Dec. 21 was indeed just a normal day that we used to. J

So what’s the next date of the “doomsday?” I may prepare a boat or maybe an Arch of Noah if I could! But I am prepared for whatever and no matter what, just because God love’s His people, He want us to learn a big thing that almost every one of us forgot as we live here. To believe and have faith in Him.

Definitely it’s now another year of celebrating Christmas, 2012 was the most awaited year probably because of what they have called “the Doomsday” J

But last night was happily a Christmas! The people of God made their own version of how Christmas celebration at it’s best. And again, stop dreaming of Dec. 21, 2012, its non sense!

Start living another page of your life, another year of life existence, another challenges and stories, because after this, it’s 2013, another year to celebrate to and to give thanks to the Lord for another year of our lives.


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