No matter how hard we try to do things perfectly, we really experience “failure”.
It’s already part of our life for us to learn things and for us to do the right things for the second time around.

We believed for only one belief, we think of those things that we do it would better or best, but we have  no assurance, we meet people, we meet things that are new to us, but after all, we have different choices to take, we’ve set our mind to choose the best thing ever. And sometimes, by choosing things, in a long run, we see results, but it’s unexpected, it’s unpredictable, no one knows not even you, now the point there is just by handling it positively.

Each of us primarily has our own purpose driven life. We drive through, we see places and venues, and we talk to acquaintances and casually friends. So how about the real score in life? Love? Well, it’s really the goal, learning from it is indeed the real objective, in fact, by this, we conquer all.

But how about the other side of our personality?

Thus, simplicity is being the major source of how to perfectly make the best option. Generally speaking, by simplicity, we recognized the simple thought, it comes out naturally from our own mindsets, from that idea, that thing is about taking chances of which is right. By simple ideas, we can’t be pressured at all, stressed at all and forget the best thing which is God knows.

Upon walking the path, we experienced those things that are not familiar, things that didn’t yet happen over your whole life, what’s that? –The things unexpected. It is already there, it would really happen, it would be given and become your experience, but the thing is, how will you stand? Or how much more if it really devastating?

Yeah, nothing is impossible, but how to start a thing? .ugh, questions. L
Basically, we live by nature. We live by our own desires and choices, and by those things we have chosen to do, though we have no assurance, but all of that got fruits, uhm, a result, and no, don’t expect a lot, just live with it, try to analyze that it was first of all you choice, before the thing happened, the best option was already given to you.. Come on, life is a choice. Same as saying love is a choice.

Now things unexpected are always expected, it’ll not end even if you have already answered it, then if you have passed the test, the more it become harder and harder. There are only 2 rewards, one is literally a good reward, and the other one is still a reward but because you failed, you suffer. But the again, every little thing happen for a reason, and it’s important for us to realized that life is a journey, it is not a destiny. Things happen endlessly, it never stops even if you die, you’ll start again.


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