Thank You
A simple way of letting the person know that you appreciate him/her.
A simple way to show them that it was worth it.
A simple way to make them realize that life is beautiful when they know that they could help, at least.
and the most simplest way to help released their burdens and make at peace.
Probably we doesn't even know the real meaning, the real significant and the real importance of saying "thank you" to somebody, it is maybe because it became by nature for us, that it is common to us these words.
The first thing, first of all, it is your way to show that you appreciate them, yet, by just a single moment, we always hear it time after time, from any people and to any places. But question, how does it feel when you are saying these to anybody?
Based on my own experience, I really find it common or let's say, simple thing to do, it is like a 'constant' that we practice everyday by learning from our own self base on our observation. But, I've notice that in every little thing that person helps for something, it is not hard for me to say this, and for us both, maybe its not necessary, but it became our practice. Compared to something like a'big' help, like you really died for it to see someone will help you there, our gratitude really urges us to show them that we are very thankful to them, that we even prepared something as a return, not just only by saying 'thank you' but of course, in return, as a change, you will probably prepare something, whatever it is, but a sign of sincere gratitude.
"Thank you", its like a matter of two words, but according to Scriptures, we must learn to acknowledge the person from which they have brought us their helping hands and the like, we must learn to acknowledge also our God every time for having things we ever hope for, for the blessings and circumstances.
It's the very simplest way that we worship God, in a sense that we acknowledge Him for everything that we have.
So learn to say "Thank You", that people may realized that you appreciate him/her no matter how big or small.
Thank you, it's good enough that my burdens changed into peace.
FACT: "We really love to see them very thankful for us after we have helped them in the best way we can, most specially when they verbally say those words to us, "Thank you!", it's good enough to lessen our efforts and tiredness, that at least we realized that they still appreciate us even how small it was."
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