Leaving a Place is a Memory

It's hard for us to leave the place where you became worthy, where everything became matured and where everything became you. The people around, they are those who even tried to make you cry sometimes, but the thing is, they also made us strong in a way we realized that everyday is not really like laughter, in other words, we became strong enough because of those weaknesses, of those failures and mistakes. Those people who made us cry, made us realized something at the same time.

At first, we are confused, bothered on how to start, by adjusting yourself in, upon entering a new place and in meeting new people. Right at the point we had it all, we became constant in greeting one them, we became close inside that place, that we are calm, that yes, they already recognize us, that they acknowledge us whenever we cross our way, and in a long run, we haven't notice that the time is running so so fast, it became hard for us to leave when the time comes.

Yes I would admit, I almost cry when one of our friends told us that there are only 2months before she leaves, she will be finally going back to the place from where she really called home, and by that time, she will bring all the memories right from the time we had everything. She can't get over while saying "I can't forget everything, on how I saw the people here are willing to change, willing to learn anything just to help each and everyone as a team". She said her experiences were totally one of kind, and it deserves thanksgiving celebration.

Sometimes, it's just so sad for me to think, why is this happening, why is that I always tend not to accept instantly the reality, the fact that everything is not permanent, that everything is temporary. I don't know, but as for me, it's a kind of thing that when I enjoyed the things from the people around, I will not think it will end, I won't think it will stop, all that is in my mind is happiness, I mean endless happiness, that tomorrow it will never be this way again. Apparently, it is my reason why I always try to be happy, I don't care if it is temporal, I just enjoyed every moment like it's the last time experience of my life.

Going back, why is it that it's hard for us to leave a place? Basically, most specially that place you've been there in a long time living, you meet people, you can create friends there and sometimes, you can find your best friend out there, and of course from that point, you experienced a lot of moments, jams, occasions, and other things that will be one of your happiest experience in life and from that they will became your unforgettable moment, they'll remain in your mind and heart. If you'll them, you will not know how to overcome your sadness, like all of a sudden, you really have to leave them.

We all know that we learn from our experiences, and in order for us to learn, we must have to explore what does a thing has. But we can't learn more things if we are not an explorer, if we just stay in one place, we think that you are already contented, we think that we already know everything, just because we also think that we had it all.

Memories are forever, but as we leave, we also start to live. To have another experiences and to create more memories. Know that as long as we live here, there are lots of things to encounter, places to go to and people to meet. Overcome sadness by accepting the fact, the reality and the truth that everything is not permanent, that everything you see is not that every time you see.


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