One Last Cry

The title of this post does not pertain to a song, nor it imply a literal meaning of a person who is crying for the last time.

I'm very happy to share this to the world that I am now, finally, a graduating student of Business Ad major in Marketing Management.  I'm very proud with what I have been through,  all these time,  my God wad jusy a very good God, that He has been there for me always and everytime.

This month, June,  is a very exciting month to start my venture in the last days of my college, but it saddens me, somehow, that I a will be leaving my current job.

I know it's been a long while since I started engaging into working-student life.  It's hard and tiring,  but these are always constant over ourlives that we need to get used to. And for this school year, I am happy that I am finally counting the time left before the day the long wait will be over.

This will be my one last cry indeed, I feel very excited for this challenge.  My one last cry from every difficult situations in my school and in my work.

Thank You, God!  But I want more of You.



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