The Promise Comes by Faith

Today, I am going to share the words that God has been spoken towards me. Specifically about the promise that He prepared, not just for me , but for everyone whose faith is unbreakable.
The Commandment of God

In Romans 6:13, it says there, "do not offer the parts of your body to sin as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness..."

As human as we are, according to the Book of Romans, Chapter 6, our body is weak and is prone to sin at any situation, we should be aware of that, we have to take note and put it in our minds that sin should not be our master. One thing that we can do is to avoid ourselves to those things, places, or even people that will lead us to sin and become slaves to sin. The Bible clearly says, "when we try to do good, evil is right there with is" (Romans 7:21). That's why we should always be careful.

I included this passage in my point of view about Faith the comes from a Promise because this is something that we have to think about when we are asking God for anything. God answers and God gives us hope to his promise. However, God will not settle for anyone who is not following His commandments, at the same time, of course, He cannot grant His promise to a person whose faith is weak.

Romans 4:16 "Therefore, the promise comes by faith so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all...:

We should learn to have a strong foundation everytime. This foundation our FAITH. As we know, faith does not require any visible evidence just to prove to everybody that you are having it, but faith is something that we believe on the things unseen, it is the substance on the the things that we hope for. Therefore when we have Faith, we believe that things are going to happen. The promise of God can be fulfilled and granted even though there may be times we are thinking that we do not deserve His promise.

We believe, God already justified our sins and He already made us His heirs to be part of His Kingdom and all of His resources. This is our Faith.


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