
“When there were times i was feeling so lonely and alone, i always talked to my God, i shared to Him my secrets, problems, hatreds and burdens… Some said God knows already, but i always answer them who cares? Its between God and me!”

I’ve always been a kind of person that hid my face, so afraid to tell the world, what i’ve got to say…
They always keep on judging me regarding my personality. Until, time came  tears falls from my eyes. Then i asked God about these things, He always keep on telling me this“You’re My son, you are Mine… I made you perfect as what i have planned. There’s no way to be depressed, they were just one part of your trials and obstacles as you live to serve Me…”

Then i realized, those people do not know my real story.
There were many reasons why i am so deter and happy as i lived here in the world.
Firstly because i know that my God is always with me, from that point, i know i live long and happily. He’s THE ONE keep on telling positive words, guiding me, teaching me and comforts me every time i feel depressed and lonely. I live to serve and follow Him no matter what, for God knows my future and holds my life. I know and i know that you know, the world is full of persecutions, trials, madness and even famines…but remember how David stood to face Goliath on a hill.
Second reason, because of my family who stands firm, giving me moral supports, financial assistance, foods and good values. (aside from God) My family is my inspiration of reaching my goals in life, as far as i know, im not yet done of giving back to them my helping hands.
Lastly. It’s all about my life. This is me and this is life….Every moment and very planned coincidences just all make sense… As i grow older, it’s not that easy as walking in plane path. I will stumble as i walk. But through these, one thing i always do when there were times i was feeling so lonely and alone, i always talked to my God, i shared to Him my secrets, problems, hatreds and burdens… Some said God knows already, but i always answer them who cares? Its between God and me!
Being alone is being  a lonely person, they said. Me? not always, sometimes, you have to be alone when you are to talk God, reminisce and think what should be done for what you are planning to do.
Remember that God is always there Do not be depressed, do not let your worries, doubts and cares wins over your faith to God, instead listen to what God really wants you to do!
Life is so tragic. But in the end, life is so beautiful!


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