The last time I went to our church, it was so great and still overwhelming in a way that the people there specially the young people who'd been a part of my life in the ministry I've been joining in (THE DANCE MINISTRY) were so great to see me once again after how many months and days I was not around due to the business of my work and conflict  time schedules.

I missed God, specially dancing as my way of serving Him. Very nice, very good and very awesome God. The joy and happiness that I felt when I dance for Him is absolutely not temporal. - It's the inside feelings that nothing can ever replace the joy and actually, I was looking for more glory from God.

Yet, the whole thing was about living my life practical. Basically, over how many years since when I was a child, I've been setting a goal which will make me prosper in the future. My perseverance got a good result, I got a job. Really, it was a great gift, but regarding this thing, I already forgot what God has planned for me and my purpose of why I am here. Starting for that point, I rarely go to our church , neglecting schedules for dance practices and until went out from the ministry I belong. The members of the church always keep on texting me to go back, and some of the Pastors are visiting me, asking how am I doing in the service of God. All I would always tell them, "I'm doing good and I am  not forgetting my devotion to God, for I know that it is the most important than the rest. The only thing is the schedules of my duty, so terrible, not that healthy enough physically and of course it affects my weekly attendance to our church.

But despite all of these, I'm still wanting to go back there, I want to consistent with my attendance to the church, I want the praise and worships, the ministry - I wanna be there, my heart and desires were there. And indeed, one day, I went back, it was great and honored as well, considering that the people there were too much full of love from Jesus.

God is very good, He always keep on pulling me back to His Kingdom, though there were major times I refused to listen to what He says, the love of God always and forever wins to His people.

..........................................................................Keep on holding unto God, do not break your relationship with Him, somehow after all, life is all about loving God and being a faithful servant to Him, and those achievements are just only your secondary measures. :)   KEEP HOLDING UNTO GOD!


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