The Mistaken Identity

I saved money just to get there someday and tried so hard to reach out fer her. Dreaming the one time, I can say to myself what and how she really is in her personal identities.

There, she works of talking to people who just listened, talking to herself, with no one. Her one and only source and capital for her job was her voice which she's taking good care just to earn money.

Beautiful, tempting, annoying, sarcastic and deceiving  -that's how I would describe her voice - a voice that made me encouraged, inspired, and curious to see her in person.

I was expecting too much. Have a lot of expectations through also the influence of her smooth voice. I've been looking forward of seeing her in person, planning to ask her some questions.

I like her, when everytime I heard her voice on air, I felt very relaxed, cool and always  gave a smile on my face. At the same time, catching her advices (love, family, friends, relationships and other aspects), it just made me amazed and inspired.

She's gorgeous, simple but a noisy kind of person. As I am looking at her, I don't hesitate to laugh at her.

She was a feeling-close tough. But having like a noisy and a talkative personality, it flatters me at all.

That day I met her, I never thought of meeting her once again,never thought of seeing her personally.

The thing is, I also never expect of having her mobile number. -That finds me a good impression and more interesting to her.

Having her number wasn't my did (it's a long story) but she was the one who first got my number and texted me for the first time and for an important reason. (to borrow money) And considering I don't know of her that much, but I was definitely pitied to her for her reason why she has to borrow.

Yet, starting that time, she started to communicate withe me on my facebook(we're friends) I got likes and comments from her on my status.

Since then, we exchanged messages also in our cellphones for some days.


After she'd paid me for her objective of texting me, All communications just stopped.
It was almost one month of communicating her, when suddenly she stopped commenting and responding with my text messages and fb messages.

I felt so down, since I know that her debit will e considered T.Y.  knowing and realizing  the her friendship is conditional. I only laughed when I started to know her true personality. I also give a smile when she posted once in her fb "YOU ONLY KNOW MY NAME NOT MY STORY" (so what's her story y the way?? :)) because even though it is right, at least because of what happened, I know that she has these kind of devastating and a very negative personality.

That's it, she will just text me or try make paramdam when she needs something with me. And you know what's the usual thing she'd ask me something? Money?

Many things happened that several days. And as it was moving, I also realized many things from her.

She deceived me for being a true person, funny how it really happens. I like he not because she got almost 20k likes on her FB page but because of great advices when she gave.

When I opened my FB account, badtrip ako when I see her name on the news feed. I would just only remember some negative thing I experienced with her.

She really is not true. She was one of the mistaken identity. She will make people believe that she's good friend, but she's a liar, and she will try to catch your attention, be a friend to her and time will come, she'll borrow you money for such many reasons that you would ever believe so, she'll find ways just for you to say yes.

And she really thought that I am an avid fan of her, she's wrong.

And the person I am talking is the person I was really amazed. She is YSHA LOREMIE or known as "Dj Tara Taranta" herself...

Beware...She might be looking for you...:)

Good luck and I am sorry!!


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