Dealing with a Liar

We could somehow understand every situations they are currently experiencing about why they tell a lie.
In the first place, they have the choice what to decide, to tell the truth or not.

In my own opinion, lies sometimes make sense, it could help you and anyone in some other way. But to be honest, it won't give us the total freedom that we could ever have.

There are different kind of lies, some lies happened commonly because they are protecting their own self. Some are by protecting their friends from a mistaken choice they have done, and some are just because they want to, just they can't tell the truth. And believe me, Most liars don't believe on Pinocchio, that if the tell a lie, they will not know how to stop their  nose from stretching, people are people who could tell everything they want. Lies are our second option when we don't know how to deal a situation.

I got things to share about how to handle or just deal with the most liar around us...

1st thing is that you have to recognize when a person is lying. Most people's problem when it comes to handling a situation is that they don't recognized what was someone did. If we know what to look for, it's not hard for us to tell someone is lying. You have to get to know how the person looks and acts in a normal, non-stressful situation, and contrast this with how they act when you think they may be lying. After awhile you should be able to read the person's body language well enough to have a grasp on when they're not telling the truth. 
-The common thing that people say about knowing when a person is lying is by observing their eyes. . As we always heard this, "eyes won't lie".
But let me say this, that this is a common myth, liars put on their mindsets about this, so come to think of it that they may look at you as sincere as they could just to deceive you. Yet, try to observe that liars always have their fake smiles, they possessed high pitch of voice compared to their normal, and on top of this is by repeated covering their mouth, face or nose...Notice that when they really do, they have the acts to be different from their normal actions.

In this regard, if you are able to determine that this person is really lying, then you must do something on how to confront him/her. By doing this is such a kind of help, on how to get over it, to fix and to make things right.

2nd point, you can deal with them by tying to confront them. Confronting them in such a way they will not be hurt, get offended and be shamed pervert. Confronting is one way to stop the negative issues, it is the only way to make everything right. But how?
 -First and foremost, remember what did they say to you. You can actually make record on it, but in a practical basis, try to put in your mind the things they have told you... This ideas you can keep aside, and when the time came you have gathered your evidences, or let's say your realizations with strong evidences, it'll make your confrontation that easier.
-As I've mentioned, how to do it without being hurt and shame, do not do it in public, it won't help them changed the better way. Try to tell them calmly that you believe he/she lied. Point out the specific issue...
3rd, give them the chance to talk. Let them explain to you the lie. Listen for their excuses, and if they'll admit it and ask for apology, you will not make the confrontation to be discuss further. Discuss everything, get the point bout it and end it up by telling "it will not be happening again, hopefully"
To tell a lie is an option, and it is already a kind of sin. Most people also lie because they wanted to have simple flow, in a perfect way. 

Don't judge them, don't criticize. Someday, you may come to it, you may need to lie to someone. We should understand how does the situation brought them into lies.

I'm not saying we could lie anytime as we always wanted, I am not tolerating anyone out there by posting this article. In just other words of saying, we are living in a world of lies, but still it is our choice when we got the first option.

Say what you believe can make you happy.

Every lies that people had were their choice. It is not exactly a mistake but a sin.


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