Planning to get Married

Point of view. Creating ideas!

Marrying a woman or a man is another broad enity of your life. It's another difficult and untold story. You'll be constructing new directions and establish a very long lasting relationship that will take you to the road of either loneliness and happiness. That whether you like it or don't, it will be very hard for you to go back and quit. You'll rather choose to live with it with regrets and bitterness.

Remember that the love that you feel for your partner in the present time before marriage, will not be the same with the love that you'll feel after you mary. Everything changes, people do, feelings do.

If you think he/she has already told and showed you everything about him/her, well think again for many times until you get 26 years old from 20.

Being in a relationship to someone doesnt measure the love with how long or short  you've been together. It's the way how look forward, it's the way how enter into the world of maturity and considering those people who've been close to will be gone, some will criticize you for that.

Getting married is not just only because it is written in the scriptures, not just only because of formality or not even because it is a tradition. The real score about settling down is that you want to live another distinct of gift given by God. You want to share your life to your partner and vice versa. You want to live as one. You want to have children and build your own family. You want to become a parent and you want to know how does it feels to become a father or a mother. You want to experience the feeling of giving and providing the needs of your own family. And, you want to be a decision maker.

If you're young as 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24, you still have time to consume and enjoy the feeling of being single, you know, there are so many things to do that you still did not do. But if you already realized that you are not happy anymore from being single, do not jump into conclusion that you are ready for marriage. Be broad, expand your mentality, make sure that you are really sure with what you think is sure.

#philosphELLY #mentality #maturity

Disclaimer: My views and opinion does not reflect to the views and opinion to all the viewers and readers of this post. Respect!


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