People have their own knowledges, thoughts and ideas, some may come up into their own point of views regarding on the situation, in short, people's knowledge. And on the other hand, There is what we called the truth, the reality and the majority, and that is when people shared their own thoughts that was taken from any kind of source that has not only in his/her mind but from a source that indeed was true and real.

Books, News, Bible, Surveys, Interviews, Magazines and Personal Informations. - Those are just seven words to define the word FACT.
FACT. Real, the truth and the reality. There are sources which basis has taken from different kinds of informative stuffs, it might be from the news television or magazines or personal information, but the one source I can say it really defines the word is Survey. Taken from different people around us, who was being particular, interested and have their own knowledge about something that you have asked about.
Facts, it is the reality, the truth and the majority that people have spoken and people might be using it depending on the scenario what you're pointing in.

 Thoughts, ideas, knowledge and wisdom. - Those are the words that defines the word Opinion.
OPINION. It's source was taken from different people's mind and thoughts. Opinion is about giving and sharing your own information and your ideas about a thing. It's main source was only his/her mind. It might either he/she has researched about it or just have known about it.
Opinion. Not resourceful but it can be. Not the truth but it can be. Not the reality but it can be. Opinion has it's follow up word maybe, debates and ends up in debates and majority wins. And with an opinion, there is always a word that people must always remember in debates. RESPECT!

Those are just my own opinion... :)


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