Understanding The People Who Always Make Mistakes

People aren't perfect. They are created as a human that has their brains and thinking and it is possible to people as in 99.9% to do mistakes and to do things even they have known was wrong. It is just one of the evidences for us to be called human.

In this generation, most of the people probably about 21%(Roman Catholics) believing that God does not exists, as they keep on holding their faiths, times failed to grant their prayers and requests and instead of holding their faiths on the promises of the Lord, they only just trust their own self individually for they think their futures and goals, they'll get it thru their own hands and works without truly trusting that god is their one and only source of their capabilities.

Promise. This is the word that God is always telling us where He told us to do things righteously then reward us for granting His commands,  for us to hold on to our faith in Him. I considered it as a Holy word. That word signifies every little thing we do as we do a lot of things to anyone.

But in this regard, you have probably misunderstood the intro. Is it really applicable when we say "promise" to one person we must do it indeed? Then my answer is yes.

It is not mean to say that we are just human, we have to use it as an excuse for all of our mistakes or just say I am just a human, I also have the right to do mistakes. Well for me, It's not really an excuse when in the first place, I know that you said "Promise".. The promise is a big word...

They say "Promises are made to be broken", you will probably be agreeing to it. For such a reason you have the conclusion in you that you are just a human being.. and in that, you will not know how the time runs and what will be happening next.... It is indeed will be broken because we are human who have the attitude of LYING...Get it?? of course it will be broken because we are liar ones... Then i must say, "Promises are made to be broken, and that promise was broken because it was made by the liar, and that liar is us".

Now, how do we have to understand those kind of people who always failed us, keep us believe in their promises yet broken ones?

-It's just a matter of putting in our own mindsets that we all have the right to do every little thing, and that's explains every kind, types of thing that has to be done by somebody around us. You, me and us, we are human kind, as if being under controlled by two people(The devil and God), it is from our own realization on how we accept the fact only one of them you must have to follow, and yet, if we choose to follow God's command, what do you think we can do? righteousness... But on the other hand, considering we have our own freedom of expressions and freedom to choose things, we can also follow the devil's command, and on that, that's the time we do bad things, mistakes and failures to people we have kept promises. The only way to understand those people who always fail you is consider them as your mirror, of which you are also like that or you can also be like that, someday, who knows??

Mind you, this is only my own opinion.n :) God bless!!


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