If Love is Blind, I'll Find My Way With You...

If love is blind
I'll find my way with you
Cause I can't see myself
Not in love with you
If love is blind
I'll find my way with you...
LOVE. It can be the greatest feeling, the greatest gift of all. Love simply describes how wonderful life is.
But sometimes, love can be the most unwanted part of our lives, that even normal human being became so foolish and stupid in a way they forget their own identities and characteristics just to get the person they loved.
It's hard to believe that even each feelings are being ruined and destroyed.
I would always say that if love was the reason why their lives are being broke, then why do God had given us this feeling, then why would the song says "love is the greatest gift of all" ? how do you think about it? and how about you, what can you say? Is it really because of love, I became foolish? is it really because of love I became crazy and stupid at all? oh common'!!
I am Elly, right until now, single all the way, but behind of being single, I couldn't help myself of seeing people and just realize a lot of things and learn from them. I'd listen their own words of wisdom about the heck, they said being involved in a relationship is very nice that at least you have that someone to be told "I love you!"! Ahm, I am pretty sure I'd loved to. heheh
But you know, things are getting grown up, matured and accurate. It is like a big hole that if you can't be careful to walk side by side, for sure you will be fallen. Then that's my own comparison of love. Yet, love is just a feeling that you can totally manage at all, it is your own feeling, and I don't think you would believe that it is uncontrollable, no it's not!
Have you ever wonder that it is a gift from above? then that's it, it was not yours in the first place and became yours after, it means it was given to you then you took over to it, take good care and handle, probably. But of course, don't you believe it that it can be definitely manipulated by you and not the other parts of your body. Indeed!!
Love doesn't kinda like blind ooh, have said that? It could be said for a reason you've lost yourself because of your love to him/her. LOVE IS NOT BLIND, it sees, and precisely knows how to choose what is right. But it could be LOVE CAN MAKE YOU BLIND, it could be!! Love has no life if there will be no person to handle it.
Love is by your heart but it is manipulated by our minds. It works when our minds are working with it. Love doesn't command but your mind instead. Love is immature but because of our minds, it can be perfect as God, it would not lead you to wrong decisions but our minds instead.
God is totally love, yet He think that if He will be crucified, all of us will be saved.

Then how about it: I love you but I can't love anymore because of the bad things you did to me. I love my papa, but I hate what he's doing.

Maybe love is everything, and it explains everything. Yet, love, for many people, it has different meaning, many descriptions.

Love can the greatest gift of all but it can be the most dangerous feelings sometimes that's when you're lost.. :)


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