Real Love Conquers

It's not about sacrifices at all. Sometimes, being in love with someone defines life that we even have a beautiful life after all. Love was the greatest gift, and it seem to me that everything will be perfect if everybody learns and knows how to love unconditionally.

It is such something sacrificing though it make you feel like no one can explain how does it feels like winning a a person in your heart.

Happy, that's all I would ever say. And if you're gonna ask me how happy, it's when my feet and I started to float from the air like you can't even explain how did it happen.

Yeah, why do God had given us only one heart? When there's an instance you'll fall in love to two, three or more person.

It's ironic like, God had given us two hands, for us handle everything in order, put everything in order and keep everything in order. And for us to have a left and right existence. Like my foot, they are two for us to walk perfectly, for us to walk straightly and if when there will be times we stumble, we can still stand with the help of our other one feet and of course, to have two foot for us to stand in every little thing that would ever come. We got two ears, for us to hear what's the right word to follow and the commandments that God would ever try to command us, for us to hear the right word so that we can be able to do it perfectly. We got two eyes of course for us to see things better than one, to look at the beautiful world with no lacking, to see the signs and wonders of our lives, to see the goodness of God and to using our left eye to see the negative and the right eye to see the positive one.

But there's something I wonder, why do I got only one heart but I fall in love to many.? heheh.
I would rather say that God had given me only one heart because the other heart is in my girl and my love, for us be one.

When I heard her sweet yes, I never stop dreaming that it will be the start of our endless love and endless relationship. I dreamed of such everything is perfect. Until the time that it brought me to a very beautiful life ever since, she accepted my proposal, like asking here to marry me, and it finds me like a fairytale movie.

Love can be defined as a real magic in real life. It could be like fairy-tales like unbelievable. It could be like impossible but after all, it succeed. Love is generous that I became like a cheerful giver. Love is not dangerous that people have always been believing since, it's not, it is simply like bringing your life into such perfect paradise, unexplainable and endless. True love is like branch of tree, even if you are gonna cut it, throw it into land, it will still grow. True love conquers, whatever life had gave you errors, you learn to be patient and wait for the right time. Yes, as they say it takes two to tango, after all, you became one, that whatever her responsibilities are, it could be yours also.



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