Simbang Gabi!

Wow, it's really Christmas. I can't wait! And again, December 16 will be the first day/night of the Filipino people will go to church every dawn or every night (the Simbang Gabi).

Of course, every dawn, we'll wake up at exactly 4:00am, it finds me such a very cold and tired, but Filipinos are really being their own tradition, in which this Simbang Gabi will be a 9 consecutive days, and on the 24th of December, we finally made the 9 days of church.
Traditional, it's just that many Filipinos have their own beliefs that after you've made it or when they have completed those 9 days/nights to church. Their wishes will be granted.

But that finds me a childish feelings. It may be an individuals trade, but of course, we are gonna be sensitive enough or be aware that we do it for Christ and not for our own wants.

It's a healthy hobby of waking up early in the morning , and those people who lives in just near to the church, it's an advantage for you guys. You can walk and it benefits you for your exercise every morning. I'm pretty sure you know about it!!

But, just one question, do you guys understands what you're doing? I mean do you really what you're doing in going to church every dawn or every night? You have to know about it, it can have a negative result or it pleases God, maybe.

But what's the most important is your heart. If one night you absent and thought that your wishes cannot be granted, hello, are you really particular with that? God doesn't showed us the conditions, He loves everyone unconditionally,  that 9 days will be useless if you still not change with your negative attitude. God changes us,  and not that because you went to church in 9 consecutive nights changes the whole you.

Filipinos really are traditional specially Catholic people (NO OFFENSE).

Just a friendly advice: God doesn't want your hard sacrifices, it's about you who have worshiped Him always, with what do you do, speak and if you loved others same as you have loved Him. Religion cannot be totally brought us to Heaven indeed, and so whatever you do just to please Him, make it really sure that He sees it, count on it and He'll be pleased. And without your heart all the way, what do you think?

Enjoy your Christmas! and whatever you do this season, do it to please HIM, and make it forever!!


  1. i'm so proud of u ZAR...!

  2. Kinsa diay ni?? Dont' comment naman as man pud ta ana!! heheh


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