Got Burdens. Hatreds As Well!

Behind my 20 yrs of living here on earth, many things including problems that i have in me, the usual words that would come into my mind is "AGAIN!?!" (in tagalog, "Na Naman!?!") hehehe.

As I live with my parents, it doesn't mean we always have a good times, happiness and laughter, instead, living with them is one of the greatest challenge i considered ever. But first of all, i would like to give you little information about my parents (but excluding their names.)
My Mother, I would say she's a hardworking mama, really works hard just to fulfill her dreams to us which is one of it is to live in a peaceful place. - She's a loving mother (according to her ways), but behind these, i would rather say, (honestly) not really all the responsibilities as a mother of five (5) children she'd done perfectly, of course, i understand, nobody's perfect even my mother.
My Father?, hahaha, well just simple words. He is responsible but by major, he's not. He's a hardworking papa but really full of regrets from us. He always count the things that he parted for us. In regards of money matter, "money" is all he wanted; not our love, not our concerns and explanations . "money", -that would really makes him happy. (Got a father like this?? heheh) Aside from these, I can have to say more negative values that my father has, but it's a long story.... as in another story again..:)
Those were my parents. (Ironic?)
As I grow, growing at my age and growing maturely, i realized, these are just one of my burdens that God had given me.

I HATE MY FATHER! (that's from the devil's quote.) Every time he gets drunk and started to say words that really hurts me so much. But despite all these, my love for him really wins over my anger and hatred. As he speaks negative and bad words, I just listen and keep my mouth shut while my tears starts to fall. :(

I tell you, I guess these are the things really caught my attention, you know, secondary burdens (What's my primary??) -secret :)

But having these may affects my relationship to God, either to question God, why You've given me a father like this?,  but it's not me.... yet I made it as a challenge, one quite obstacle that (maybe) will make me think deeper and just thank God for trusting me, that He really knows i can pass these things.

After these realization, LAUGHTER  has just made.


I am not the only one who lives here on earth, therefore, I know, having these kind of life and experiences, I'm not the only one, there were also people out there got also burdens. So, why I have to cry and regret God? That's non-sense.

God's plans are perfect. You have no right to question and regret God why did He gave you such things you can't explain and understand.

Just say, "thank God for another day of challenges!"


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