You Do Not Support The Root!

Romans 11:18 says, "Do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you."
 We always put in our mindsets our goals and objectives in life or what we want to have and want to be in the next day. Sometimes, we already forgot the thing we must not do.

Considering that you are a person of perseverance -  it's very good anyway! Well of course produces patience and hard work just to get that thing you wanted. You worked hard, got pressured hours, sicked. Of course it's not that easy, our journey is not just about bumping big rocks but at the same time you'll bump sand storms that enables you to be more faithful to God.

Time so fast, until you've done such things hindered you to reach your goal.

Finally, sweet words coming from your mouth, "life is really beautiful" after all the hard works, sleepless nights and tears, now you've seen blessings coming from the Lord. (but the devil is that smart , he made you drowned with money, material things, and overwhelmed which caused you to say thanks to God.)

"I did it!, i have these, i have that; these are mine, those were mine. I have these because i did a lot of hard works and tears just to achieve something like these...Now i realized, only my hands, my actions and perseverance can make me have all these things." -You said.

But wait, have i heard you saying "Only my hands would make me have all these things"?, Really?

Well, honestly people, i don't think only you who did it. Sad to say, not only you, but God also.

  • PERSEVERANCE? - that was your attitude and value which God gave you.
  • HARD WORKS? - Remember that you can't move when there is no soul whom God manipulates. God gave you strength indeed.
Reaching our goals is one of the things i considered my purpose here on earth, aside from serving God and loving Him. But the thing is, when there were things you think you've achieved and you've succeed or something that you have in you right now, let us not forget who is the source of all these...

Life is very beautiful, (as always) and the source of having these beautiful life is none other than , GOD and God alone! :)

If you think you've made it only through your hands, i guess you are mistaken of saying that.

God is the source of all the things around us, either you see it or not - He really made it. He gave it.

In connection to our verse, it says there "you do not support the root but root supports you", meaning to say, there's none sense of saying "it's all because of my hard works.", that's a kind of boasting to yourself and to people even though there  is a Head and the Root of that which made you achieved things.

Always put God in the center of your life! :)


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